The most famous Cherubs are depicted in a painting by Sanzio Raphael. This famous painting by the twin Cherubs was produced in 1513 to 1514 and this oil painting is currently in a museum in Dresden, Germany.
Cezanne's most famous painting was still life with cherub.
Cherub Freed's birth name is Cherub Eveningstar Fried.
CHERUB by Robert Muchamore
A cherub is a person with an innocent face. The Hebrew-style plural of cherub is "cherubim" - "cherubim and seraphim".
Cupid is a cherub.
Cherub Rock was created in 1992.
Chubby Cherub was created in 1985.
Cherub of the Mist was created in 2006.
"Cherub" is the singular. "Cherubim" is the plural.
Cherub Freed is 4' 6".
The valentines cherub is an angel representing love.
By definition a cherub is an angelic being. At Paula's wedding, there was a large golden cherub in the center of the ballroom.