Can't tell by the product code alone. Contact Browning, or search the model index on the Browning date you gun web page. The link is below.
What model is this for? The serial number is not a Auto-5 number of Browning Arms Co. What model is this for?
You are furnishing an incomplete serial number. Citori is a model of Browning.
You will have to call Browning. That model number is not published.
Determining the model from just the serial number is virtually impossilbe.
You will have to call Browning with the serial number to find out.
You will have to call Browning and ask
You will have to call Browning to find out.
Browning did not make a Model 11.
You will have to call Browning with the serial number to find out.
The serial number you have provided is for a Browning High Power Sport Pistol made in 1993
Impossible to answer with only the serial number.
You need to supply the model number and serial number to get a answer.