16 inches, just like in all the states. Anything shorter requires an NFA permit.
nm stands for nanometres, it is not a measure of speed, but length
68 nm is equivalent to 0.000000068 meters.
My guess is that the NM stands for National Match, a better quality barrel
The wave length of visible light ranges from 400 nm to 700 nm
As of January 1, 2009, the Albuquerque minimum wage is $7.50 per hour.
The wavelength of ultraviolet radiation ranges from about 10 nm to 400 nm. Within this range, different types of UV radiation have varying wavelengths: UVA (315-400 nm), UVB (280-315 nm), and UVC (100-280 nm).
"nm" stands for nanometers, a measure of length.
It is 0.000000068 metres.
Preceding Aircraft Following Aircraft Minimum Separation HEAVY HEAVY 4.0 NM HEAVY MEDIUM 5.0 NM HEAVY LIGHT 6.0 NM MEDIUM LIGHT 5.0 NM
nm is nano-meters. There will be a number preceding the nm. This number indicates how many nano-meters for a full wave length of the laser light.
1 µm = 1000 nm 3.6 µm x 1000 nm/µm = 3600 nm you may try this online converter next time http://www.rillocenter.com/convert/distance.html