

What is the meaning of urge?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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11y ago

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when a product or something becomes a necessity rather than just a want :)

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Q: What is the meaning of urge?
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To move to action; to stir up; to rouse; to spur or urge on.

What is the meaning ofincite?

To move to action; to stir up; to rouse; to spur or urge on.

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Nausea is the sensation that leads to the urge to vomit.Stomach achenausea

What is a sentence with urge?

We urge you to put the gun down.She had a sudden urge to eat all of the chocolate cake.

The main idea of the poem is to urge us?

The main idea of the poem is to urge us to embrace change and growth, to appreciate life and beauty, and to find meaning and purpose in our experiences. Through its words and imagery, the poem encourages readers to live fully and mindfully, connecting with the world around them.

A sentence with the word urge?

We urge you to do your homework, and get off the computer.

How can you put urge in a sentence?

I felt the urge to smack him in the face.