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Sativa is one of the main types of Marijuana, and is a little bit different to the other variety of Marijuana, Indica. The Sativa plant is easily distinguishable by its tall and wide appearance Sativa is often used for recreation, as it makes the body feel at ease and encourages uplifting thoughts in ones brain.

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Q: What is the meaning of the word 'sativa'?
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What is the meaning of the word sativa What are the root origins of this word?

Sativa is found in many latin names of plants, for example Allium Sativum (garlic) and Cannabis Sativa which is the plant from which hemp - and marijuana- come. It is Latin meaning "sown" or "cultivated," and is suppopsed to mean "useful" as Linneus wrote in 1763. (Cannabis is Greek). It is used in many other plant names like that of oats (Avena Sativa) and also in the latin name for the plant from which is obtained the "black seed" = black cumin = cörek otu (Turkish), Nigella Sativa. This word has also been seen translated as "wild." Above translation courtesy of a Wikipedia disambiguation page.

Is the word Sativa capitalized?

Indica and sativa are not capped unless they begin a sentence. However, some say they should be italicized.

How tall is Sativa Verte?

Sativa Rose is 152 cm.

When was Medicago sativa created?

Medicago sativa was created in 1753.

Is pops pineapple weed a sativa or a indica?

It's a Sativa hybrid...most marijuana is a hybrid of some sort.

What is the name of a plant that grows rice?

The name of the plant that grows rice is Oryza sativa.

What is botanical name for sweet chestnut?

Castanea Sativa

What are the scientific names for marijuana?

CHEMISTRYTHC is the active ingredient in marijuana, it's full name is Delta 9 TetraHydroCannabinol. BOTANYThere are two subspecies of the marijuana plant, Cannabis Sativa Sativa and Cannabis Sativa Indica.


its a derivative of Portuguese nigre meaning walking dead Niger the country is Okay in saying, but not the cuss word way. [Niger comes from the latin meaning black so called from the black seed] a genus of annual plants of the order RANUNCULACEAE the Fennel flowers. The seeds of Nigella sativa and Nigella arvensis are used as pepper.

What is the biological name of rice?

The biological name of rice is Oryza sativa.

What is Sanskrit translation for Eruca sativa?

Eruca sativa is basically a widely popular vegetable salad.

What is sativa?

sativa is a Latin work that means, attached to a plant name,sown or planted not spontaneous.