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Friendly compassion/ care

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Q: What is the meaning of a forehead kiss to a platonic friend?
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Related questions

Is it ok to kiss your best guy friend?

There's nothing wrong with kissing a friend on the forehead, light touch of the lips.

What do you called the kiss used when kiss your brother?

A platonic kiss, rather than a romantic kiss.

What young Pianist did Beethoven kiss on their forehead after hearing them play?

He kiss michel di vani on the forehead.

What does a forehead kiss mean?

It means somebody kisses you in the forehead

What does a kiss on the forehead mean?

== ==

My friend said he is on a break with his girlfriend but kissed me They got back together and he continues to kiss my forehead any help?

If your friend was on a break from his girlfriend, there was nothing wrong with him kissing you. Kissing you on the forehead is a friendly gesture and does not necessarily mean anything romantic.

What does it mean when your close guy friend kisses you on the forehead?

He's definitely into you. It's pretty obvious. No one would even dare to kiss you if he didn't like you. He obviously had a great time and thinks you were leading him on. Meaning he likes you.

What are the different ways to kiss?

A kiss on the forehead, cheek, lips, french kiss, etc.

What does a kiss in the forehead mean?

a kiss on the forhead means they care for you and there here for you .

What does a forehead kiss mean and why would a guy kiss you on the forehead more than on the lips?

Pure love and nothing else... She's angel.

What does it mean when a man kisses you in the forehead?

it means she wants some in Islam a mehram(father,brother,uncle etc) can kiss their grown up(virgin) female child.on forehead to show their love but not on cheeks.this is Islamic modesty level. so not everyone can kiss any women on forehead but only her mehram which means whom she cannot marry.

Why do Indian people kiss on forehead?
