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it means a wizard.

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Q: What is the meaning behind a wizard tattoo?
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Nothing at all,,unless you have your own meaning behind it

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It is of a wizard.

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taking care of business. its an ode to elvis presley of sorts

What does a wizard tattoo symbolize?

A person with a wizard tattoo may attribute many different meanings to it. For example, the tattoo may be symbolic of their status as a pagan or practitioner of witchcraft. Or, the tattoo may have personal symbolism so that it is representative of something like a nickname.

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When people get a tattoo, there is often meaning and remberance attached to the tattoo. The meaning of a pegasus tattoo is that of loyalty.

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There are a number of things a person may mean when they call you a rope. They may mean that you are strong or that you are common.

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What does Kiro Cullen's tattoo mean?

Yes...... he has a tattoo behind his neck

What is the meaning behind crying angel tattoos?

I'm not sure if there is a official meaning behind it, however I'm going to get a crying angel tattoo in remembrance of my brother who committed suicide. I love angels and I believe the angels cried with me on the day that he did it.

Does a tattoo behind the right ear mean your gay?

No, it means you have a tattoo behind your right ear. Grow up, man.