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Chamber pressure is dertmined by the cartridge. The max standard pressure for .223 is set by SAAMI at 55,000 PSI.

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Q: What is the maximum chamber pressure of the Ruger Mini-14 rifle?
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Where can you buy a Ruger Mini14?

One could purchase a Ruger Mini 14 Rifle gun at a Wall-Mart store, or using the online Wall-Mart site. One could also purchase a Ruger Mini 14 Rifle gun at a local gun shop.

What is the value of a ruger 357 maximum pistol?

200-1000 dollars

Can you shoot 5.56 mm ammo in Ruger Mini 14?

Yes you can, the mini14 has always had a 5.56x45 chamber.The mini14 receiver is marked ".223 CAL" not ".223 rem."The manual states this:"AMMUNITION (580 series mini14 and above)The RUGER® MINI-14® RANCH RIFLES are chambered for the .223Remington (5.56mm) cartridge. The Mini-14 Ranch Rifle is designed to use eitherstandardized U.S. military, OR factory loaded sporting .223 (5.56mm) cartridgesmanufactured in accordance with U.S. industry practice."The 180 series Mini 14 States this:" The Mini14 is designed to use EITHER U.S. Military, Commercial sporting, Or Other .223(5.56mm) caliber ammunition manufactured to U.S. industry standards."Here is the .pdfs for the 580 series and 180 series mini14s listed above for verification: 180 series: 580 series: above means that 5.56nato ammunition can be used safely in the rifle. The Ruger Mini-14 has a 5.56 chamber but can shoot .223 Remington ammuntion. It is a common myth that the mini14 is chambered in .223 Remington. While 5.56mm NATO ammunition is identical in external dimensions to .223 Remington, there are two important differences:1) The chamber dimensions between the two cartridges are different. 5.56mm has a longer throat or leade (the the unrifled portion of the barrel between the end of the chamber and the beginning of the rifling). This longer throat reduces pressures as compared to the .223 Remington. Consequently, .223 Remington ammunition is loaded to a lower pressure.2) The 5.56mm cartridge is loaded to higher pressures than the .223 Remington. Taking advantage of the longer throat, the 5.56mm can safely operate at a more powerful loading level.Firing a 5.56mm cartridge (which is loaded to higher pressure) in a .223 Remington chambered rifle (which has a shorter throat causing a further boost in pressure), could exceed the safety margin in a .223 Remington rifle. It cannot be done with complete safety.A .223 Remington cartridge can be safely fired in a 5.56mm chambered rifle, but NOT vice versa.Always use safe, reliable, and quality ammunition. When buying surplus 5.56 ammo make sure you examine it closely before using it in the rifle. It is also suggested in the manual that you don't use handloads in the mini-14. using handloads can be dangerous and will void the warranty if damage is caused as a result using improper ammunition.

Do you know the value of a Bearcat ruger 22 pistol engraved cougar on it and a bear with background trees also says ruger bearcat on chamber with gold around trigger model 100840?

50-400 depending on specifics

Can you shoot 5.56 ammo out of ruger mini 14?

The Ranch models, G/B models, and AC556, yes - those have a 5.56 chamber. The target models, no - those have a dedicated .223 Remington chamber.

What is the value of an unfired ruger 1983 black hawk 357 maximum single action revolver?

100-400 USD

How far is the maximum to hunt with a ruger .44 carbine?

Depends on your skill set. No more than 100 m or so.

When was your 357 maximum made?

Impossible to answer without knowing who made it and the serial number. If it's a Ruger, the company has extensive sn data on its website.

What is the maximum effective range and maximum range for the Ruger P95?

The maximum effective range for a typical 9mm Parabellum handgun is about 50 meters. The bullet can be driven to a maximum range of over 1000 meters- when fired at a 45 degree angle. This will have no accuracy, and can only guarantee the bullet will hit the earth- somewhere.

How do you spell ruger the gun?

That is the correct spelling of Ruger, which is named for William Ruger of Sturm, Ruger & Company.

Is ruger still updating old ruger single sixes?

Yes.. all pre-73 Ruger Single Six pistols will be upgraded by Ruger.

Was Ruger mini 14 made to shoot either regular 223 and military 223 with higher psi?

Yes, it was. Go to the Ruger website for more information. The military round is the 5.56x45 - while dimensionally similar to the .223 Remington, it is not entirely the same. The standard and Ranch models of the Mini 14 have a 5.56x45 chamber, which can accept both 5.56 and .223 Remington ammo. The Target models, however, have a dedicated .223 Remington chamber, and were not designed to use 5.56x45 military ammo.