1946, it will be date code (month/year - letters) on the left side of the barrel. You can look this up under the manufactured date on the Remington Society of America site.
it is below the feildmaster logo
When was the serial? They all have serials. They were made from 1936-54 and have date code stamps on the barrel which can be looked up on the manufacture date link on the Remington Society of America.
OH on the barrel? that's not the serial. If it's early probably July 1961.
Check the barrel codes on the Remington Society of America. http://remingtonsociety.com/rsa/questions/barrelcodes
Not necessarily. Serial numbers were not required for .22 rimfire rifles in the US until 1968. The Remingtonn Model 572 was introduced in the early/mid 1950's. I looked at one in a pawn shop recently that had no serial number and the barrel code put its manufacture date as Nov. 1957. Had there been a serial number the manufacture date would have likely been 1983 since Remington recycles its code for the year on the barrel stamp.
I checked www.oldguns.net and they show the manufacture date of Remington 1903A3 serial no. 3851292 as 1942.
That is not a serial no of a Remington 1911A1 they stopped in 1945 with 2465139.
RW isn't part of the serial no, it stands for Remington Works 1915