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Q: What is the main difference between these two categories?
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Differentiate the two main categories of computer softwareRead more: Differentiate_the_two_main_categories_of_computer_software

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The main two branches of Islam are Sunnis and Shiites. Refer to related question below for the difference between the two.

What are the two main categories for animals?

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Is there a difference between white and purple eggplant?

The main difference between white and purple eggplant is the color. On the inside, there is almost no difference in taste or texture between the two.

What are two categories of evidence?

While there are several types of evidence, two general categories include Circumstantial and Direct Evidence. The main difference is that direct refers to observation and direct information, while circumstantial is based upon reasonable inference.

How is shopping divided into categories?

The two main categories are convenience goods and shopping goods; two lesser categories are specialty items and unsought goods.

What are the two main categories of nucleotides?

Deoxyribose and Ribose

What are the two main categories of biology?

botany and zoology.

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descriptive and inferential

What is the main difference between the two large groups of plants?

vascular and nonvascular

What two main categories is IT separated into?

IT is separated into two main categories (1) those which process information, such as computer systems, and (2) those which disseminate information, such as telecommunication systems.