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The Ptolemaic system belived that the earth was the center of everything and all the planet and sun traveled around it and the copernican system belived that the sun was the center of everything and the planets and traveled around the sun.

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The main difference between the Ptolemaic system and the Copernican system is their approach to explaining the motion of the planets. The Ptolemaic system placed Earth at the center of the universe with planets moving in complex epicycles, while the Copernican system proposed that the Sun was at the center, with planets including Earth orbiting around it.

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Q: What is the main difference between the Ptolemaic system and the Copernican system?
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It took two centuries for the Copernican model to replaced the Ptolemaic model because?

the Copernican model proposed a heliocentric view of the solar system, which was contrary to the widely accepted geocentric view of the Ptolemaic model. The Copernican model required substantial evidence and time to gain acceptance and for people to shift their fundamental beliefs about the universe. Additionally, there were religious and philosophical implications associated with the shift from the Ptolemaic to the Copernican model, which added complexity to the transition.

What showed Ptolemy's model for the universe was incomplete?

The geocentric system of Ptolemy said that all the planets stay in their prescribed spheres. By that was meant that each planet has its own shell (a hollow sphere) that it stays inside. The sphere of Mercury is closest to the Earth, then Venus and then the Sun. Galileo discovered the phases of Venus with his telescope. Now it's quite OK for Venus to have a crescent phase in the Ptolemaic system, because it can travel between the Earth and the Sun. But Galileo also saw that Venus had a gibbous phase at certain times, which the Ptolemaic system fails to account for. Galileo said this was a serious fault with the Ptolemaic system (correct) but he then claimed incorrectly that this must prove that the Copernican system - with the Sun at the centre - is correct. Galileo was wrong about that because Tycho Brahe came up with an alternative model that had Mercury and Venus orbiting the Sun, but then the Sun and the other planets still orbited round the Earth. This was a geocentric system that correctly described all the phases of Venus. But after the work of Kepler and Newton it was eventually agreed generally that the Sun has to be at the centre.

What were three of Tycho Brahe's reasons for believing his model was right?

Tycho Brahe believed in his model because it accounted for the absence of observable stellar parallax, which conflicts with the Copernican model. He also thought that his model better explained the retrograde motion of planets without relying on heliocentrism. Finally, Brahe argued that his model maintained a balance between the mathematical accuracy of the Copernican system and the observational data of the Ptolemaic system.

How did Galileos observation of Jupiter and venus support Copernicus' model?

Galileo's discoveries with the telescope sowed doubts about the ancient Ptolemaic model which had the Earth at the centre. First, Jupiter's moons orbited round Jupiter and not the Earth, the first objects that had been discovered that were not orbiting the Earth. Secondly the discovery of the phases of Venus raised doubt about the Ptolemaic model, particularly the gibbous phase when, we now know, Venus is round behind the Sun as seen from Earth. In the Ptolemaic model Venus never goes behindthe Sun (as seen from Earth) and the gibbous phase cannot happen.By implying in the title of his book 'Dialogue of the two world systems' that there were only two models in contention, those of Ptolemy and Copernicus, Galielo insinuated that if the Ptolemaic model was incorrect the Copernican system must be correct. This was logically flawed because at the time there were two other systems in the public domain that both explained Venus's phases. These were the models of Tycho, which was geocentric, and finally Kepler's which was heliocentric.Of these four, Kepler's was eventually accepted by everyone after Newton's theoretical discoveries showed that Kepler's elliptical orbits for the planets agreed with the new theory of dynamics.

Which planets' motions were described with epicycles in the Ptolemaic system?

In the Ptolemaic system, the motions of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn were described with epicycles. These epicycles were small circles that the planets were thought to move in while also orbiting the Earth on larger deferent circles.

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Compare Copernican scheme and Ptolemaic system?

In Copernican scheme, the sun is the center of the solar system, while in the Ptolemaic system, the earth is the center of the universe and all the bodies of the universe revolve around it :) -iloveu armstrong11-12 Munsci :)

It took two centuries for the Copernican model to replaced the Ptolemaic model because?

the Copernican model proposed a heliocentric view of the solar system, which was contrary to the widely accepted geocentric view of the Ptolemaic model. The Copernican model required substantial evidence and time to gain acceptance and for people to shift their fundamental beliefs about the universe. Additionally, there were religious and philosophical implications associated with the shift from the Ptolemaic to the Copernican model, which added complexity to the transition.

What is the difference between the Heliocentric theory and the Copernican theory?

The heliocentric 'theory' is not really a theory at all, more an assertion that the Sun is at the centre of the solar system. Copernicus's theory assumes that the Sun is at the centre and provides a model of the planets' orbits that uses circles and epicycles to explain the observed orbits. He said it was simpler than the old "geocentric" (Earth centred) Ptolemaic system, but it was not really, it actually had more epicycles. Note: Perhaps the questioner got mixed up. The Copernican theory IS a heliocentric theory. Perhaps the question is about the geocentric theory and the Copernican theory. Anyway, Kepler simplified the heliocentric theory and now we know that his model is correct.

Did Tycho believe in the Copernican model of heliocentrism?

No, Tycho believed the Earth was at the centre, and he produced an alternative geocentric model that fully explained Venus's phases, which the old Ptolemaic system failed to do.This spoilt Galileo's argument that the Copernican system must be correct and the Sun must be at the centre. However the modern view is that the Sun is at the centre, for reasons that Galileo was not aware of in his lifetime.

How do the phases of Venus's help?

Galileo was able to observe Venus going through a full set of phases, something prohibited by the Ptolemaic system (which would never allow Venus to be fully lit from the perspective of the Earth or more than semi-circular). This observation essentially ruled out the Ptolemaic system, and was compatible only with the Copernican system and the Tychonic system and other geoheliocentric models such as the Capellan and Riccioli's extended Capellan model.

Tycho's universe was the same as the Copernican universe except that?

Brahe's theories revolved around the ptolemaic system, where Earth was the centre of the Universe. Copernicus stated that the Earth is not the center of the Universe, but we revolve around other masses as well.

Who supported the Copernican system?

the pope

Why models of the ealry ptolemy solar system were replaced by the copernican model?

The early Ptolemaic model placed Earth at the center of the solar system, which led to complex explanations for retrograde motion of planets. The Copernican model shifted the center to the Sun, providing a simpler explanation for planetary movements. Additionally, the Copernican model was supported by observational evidence and eventually gained wider acceptance due to its better predictive power.

Copernican system who supported this belief and who did not?

The Copernican system, which proposed that the Earth revolved around the Sun, was supported by astronomers like Nicolaus Copernicus, Johannes Kepler, and Galileo Galilei. However, it faced opposition from religious authorities, such as the Catholic Church, who adhered to the geocentric model of the universe.

Was Copernican in the heliocentric or geocentric system?

The proposed the heliocentric system.

What is the difference between the Ptolemy and Copernicus models of the solar system?

The difference between Ptolemy's and Copernicus's model was that, Ptolemy's model had the Earth in the middle of the Solar System, with all the other planets (including the Sun and the moons) revolving around it. In Copernicus's model, he had the Sun in the center of the Solar System.

Who didn't support the Copernican system?

the pope