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Q: What is the main difference between centrifugal governor and inertia governor?
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How can explain inertia governor?

Centrifugal governors respond to angular velocity. Inertia governors respond to angular acceleration.

What is the difference between inertia and mass?

The difference between inertia and mass is that inertia is the resistance to move. And mass is the amount of matter that something is made of.

Why aren't inertia governors are used widely?

Inertia governors are more sensitive than centrifugal type of governors.A small change in the speed of engine introduces large amount of change in the rotating bodies of the governor which are difficult to balance .

What is the difference between inertia and Newton's first law?

no difference, the newton first law is also called law of inertia

What is the difference between centripetal force and inertia?


What is the difference between newton's first law and law of inertia?

There is no difference. They are the same.

What is the difference between force and inertia?

A force is a push or a pull. Inertia is unchanging state (mass or velocity)

How does thE centrifugal force is related to centripetal force?

Centrifugal force does not exist, it is only the objects' inertia trying to keep the object moving in a strait path.

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How does a bicycle stay upright when moving?

A combination of inertia and centrifugal force. The wheels, once rotating, create centrifugal force which in conjunction with gravity cause the bicycle to move forward creating inertia. the more energy put into the bike via the drivetrain, the more inertia is created and the more stable the bike becomes.

Is there a difference between gravity and inertia?

Gravity is the natural force of attraction between two masses. inertia is directly linked to mass and represents its resistance to change of velocity.

What is the difference between mass moment of inertia and area moment of inertia?

mass moment of inertia is the property of the body to resist rotation about the given axis where as the area moment of inertia is the resistance to bending about the given axis