A bit of metal on the underside of the barrel. The ejector rod snaps into the lug when the action is closed.
A bit of metal on the underside of the barrel. The ejector rod snaps into the lug when the action is closed.
revolver (meaning a type of gun) = אקדה (ekdah)
patrice revolver
The gun was an ivory-handled .44 Webley British Bulldog revolver.
gun = pistolet
When looking to purchase a revolver gun holster then it may be possible to select and purchase the desired revolver holster online. Websites such as Amazon and Cabelas sell revolver holsters under the heading of "Gun Holsters".
A gun is any firearm, especially a pistol or revolver.
First of all describe the gun. Is it a revolver, or a shotgun? A revolver has a grip but so does a shotgun (actually a for end).
You will have to be more specific.
· revolver · rifle