What do you mean by limit? The safest limit would be not to get out of your house while you are smoking it, then you're sure not to get caught... i guess...
There is no age limit on illegal activity.
Seems like your way over the limit!
Up to five years.
180 days from Date of service
That would be a felony in Florida. They have set the limit at three years, unless it is considered a life felony, which has no limit.
at the present the state of florida emancipation is 18.
It is going to depend on a number of factors. The severity of the felony is going to determine whether there is a limit. If there was a death involved, there is no limit. If the crime is punishable by life imprisonment or death, there is no limit.
It really depends on the traffic and the speed limit that you go.
The "illegal per se" limit in all 50 states is 0.08%. It is unlawful to drive a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol level at or in excess of that amount.
3 hours 55 minutes (speed limit ride) I can make it in 3:20 It is approx 240 miles.
You can not overdose on marijuana. The lethal limit is hypothesized to be smoking around 22,000 joints each containing .9g of weed withing 15 minutes to actually die from it, which is humanly impossible. Marijuana is safer than cigarettes as if you smoke a bunch of cigs you can vomit from all the nicotine, that wont happen with marijuana.