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Q: What is the life expectancy of an asphalt parking lot?
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What is the life expectancy of asphalt parking lots?

a lot older than you

Which situation would you expect to find in the air directly above an asphalt parking lot?

The air temperature above the parking lot would be warm.

What are the pros and cons of sealing asphalt roads?

Is it worth the cost to sealing a parking lot

What might happen if a forested area was replaced with an asphalt parking lot?

you could because of the land

Were can you buy 1050 square feet of asphalt?

Buy a parking lot 30 ft x 35 ft.

Is repairing an existing parking lot problem considered maintenance or improvement?

This is not a "legal" opinion, but from a common sense point of view, if you are replacing like with like (such as asphalt with asphalt) and not changing the car parking, (same number, dimensions and arrangement) it would be maintenance only.

What is the average asphalt paving cost?

The average cost for 2" asphalt installed is $ 1.80 sf It really can vary, a lot of times excavation must be done and also road base needs to be laid down. You're looking at a bill ranging from $1,800 to $2,700 for base work plus asphalt for a 450 square foot driveway. For more information, please refer to the related link. I have put an asphalt paving for my parking lot. The area of my parking lot is 3000sqft and it costs me around $6900

Why do Hot air balloons rise high over a wide road or parking lot made of black asphalt?

because you pee on it

Asphalt Paving Installation?

All things asphalt, especially asphalt paving, are our area of expertise. In essence, this procedure is covering an existing surface—like a parking lot or roadway—with an asphalt layer. Before being placed to the surface, a mixture of liquid asphalt cement and aggregate (such as crushed stone, sand, or gravel) is heated and mixed to create asphalt. The asphalt is compacted after it has been laid to produce a flat, smooth surface that is long-lasting and resilient.

What does the term carpark mean?

A carpark is also known as a parking lot. Whatever the name, it is an area paved in asphalt and contains parking spaces where vehicles are left unattended while drivers walk to nearby buildings and locations.

How do you remove asphalt sealcoat from linoleum or vinyl floor I walked on a freshly sealcoated parking lot and then walked in my kitchen leaving black streaks. Nothing seems to remove them.?

magic eraser

If an asphalt parking lot measures 100 m 500 m calculate its area in square meters?

This is simple 100 X 500 = 50,000. The area is 50,000 square meters