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Contact your local health inspection or health protection office, they will be able to tell you the age requirements for your area as well as provide a list of inspected facilities near you.

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Q: What is the legal age in Wisconsin to get a belly button piercing with parental consent?
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Can you get your belly button pierced at 14?

With parental consent and ID, piercing parlors will do ALMOST any piercing under 18.

What is the legal age in California to get a belly button piercing without parental consent?

its 18 everywhere

Is there a body piercing shop that will pierce a 14 year olds belly button in Wisconsin?

Go to the Association of Professional Piercers website. They have a directory of shops there. Of course, you'll need a parent's permission to get a piercing at 14.

How old do you have to be to get your belly button pierced at Candy Apple Tattoo And Body Piercing in Wisconsin?

In most places, you have to be 18 years old. If you are younger, then you need parental consent. But I highly suggest researching getting a piercing before you decide that's what you want.

How old do you have to be to get your belly button pierced with parental consent?

If there is no law on it, then I think it would be up to the person doing the piercing.

How old do you have do be to ge your belly button pierced?

Old enough to learn it's a "navel piercing" not a "belly button" piercing, we do not pierce belly buttons. The age is usually the age of majority, without parental consent, with parental consent it can be 16 years but this varies from state to state or province to province.

Can i be 13 years old and get a belly button piercing with parent consent in Florida?

no,you have to be 16 to get one in Florida.

Can you be 13 and get your belly button pierced?

Yes with Parental consent and the parent needs to be present during the piercing, this is a requirement of most North American body piercing studios.

What is Legal age for belly button piercing in Kentucky?

In Kentucky, the legal age for getting a belly button piercing without parental consent is 18. Anyone under 18 would need parental permission to get a belly button piercing.

Where can a 14 year-old get her belly button pierced?

A tattoo parlor or some piercing padgodas. but under 16 you need parental consent.

What is the legal age to get your belly button peirced?

The legal age to get your belly button pierced varies by location, but generally you need to be at least 18 years old to get a belly button piercing without parental consent. Some areas may require you to be older or have parental permission. It's best to check with your local piercing studio for specific requirements.

Can you get your belly button pierced in New York with parental consent?

As long as you have parental consent, yes.