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Washington has no laws regarding dating. The only laws apply to sexual contact.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 10mo ago

In Washington, the age of consent is 16, meaning that individuals who are 16 or older can legally consent to sexual activity. However, engaging in sexual activity with someone under 16 (except for close-in-age exceptions) can lead to criminal charges for adults. It is important to be aware of the age of both parties and the specific circumstances to ensure compliance with the law.

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Q: What is the law for underage relationships in Washington?
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To not do it if under the age of 21, with certain exceptions.

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Consult an attorney where you live who specializes in DWI law.

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You would be breaking the law and you and the person you sold to would probably be going to jail.

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Call the cops!

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The Government makes the laws.

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Call your local health department and law enforcement.

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Washington College of Law was created in 1896.