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There are no laws the restrict dating. Dating is a concept, not an action, so there is no way for lawmakers to define it.

Every place in the world has different laws on sex so it would be best to check out your area.

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βˆ™ 10mo ago

In many places, it is legal for someone over 18 to date someone older. However, laws vary by location regarding the age of consent for sexual activity. It is important to be aware of the laws in your area to ensure that any relationship remains legal and consensual.

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Q: What is the law for dating someone older than 18?
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What is legal age to be dating someone older than you in England?

The legal age of consent for sexual activity in England is 16. It is legal to date someone older than you as long as there is no sexual activity involved. If there is a significant age gap, it is important to consider the power dynamics in the relationship to ensure that both parties are on equal footing.

What is the legal age limit to be dating someone older than you in America?

The legal age of consent to engage in sexual activity varies by state in the United States, typically ranging from 16 to 18 years old. It is important to check the specific laws in your state to determine what is legally permissible when dating someone older.

What is the legal age limit to be dating older than you in Hawaii?

In Hawaii, the legal age of consent is 16 years old. However, it is important to note that there are certain circumstances and laws that may come into play when dating someone older, especially if there is a significant age gap. It is always advisable to seek legal advice or guidance to ensure that you are not violating any laws.

Is it illegal to date older than you by 6 years?

The legality of dating someone older than you by 6 years depends on the age of consent laws in your area. It's important to check the legal age of consent in your jurisdiction to ensure you are following the law. Additionally, be mindful of the potential power dynamics and maturity differences that can occur in relationships with significant age gaps.

Age of dating law in Texas?

The age of consent for sexual activity in Texas is 17 years old. This means that individuals who are 17 years old or older can legally engage in consensual sexual activity with each other. Any sexual activity with a minor under the age of 17 may be considered statutory rape.

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It would be extremely difficult for each of us to date someone of only our own age. There is nothing wrong with dating someone older or younger than yourself as long as it is within the law.

What is legal age to be dating someone older than you in England?

The legal age of consent for sexual activity in England is 16. It is legal to date someone older than you as long as there is no sexual activity involved. If there is a significant age gap, it is important to consider the power dynamics in the relationship to ensure that both parties are on equal footing.

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In Scotland can a 13 year old girl go out with a 17 year old boy?

There is no law against dating at any age but the age of consent is 16. That means that it is illegal for someone older than 16 to have sex with someone younger than 16.

What is the legal age limit to be dating someone older than you in America?

The legal age of consent to engage in sexual activity varies by state in the United States, typically ranging from 16 to 18 years old. It is important to check the specific laws in your state to determine what is legally permissible when dating someone older.

Can the law get involved if you are with someone older then you?

depends on how much older

What is the legal age limit to be dating older than you in Hawaii?

In Hawaii, the legal age of consent is 16 years old. However, it is important to note that there are certain circumstances and laws that may come into play when dating someone older, especially if there is a significant age gap. It is always advisable to seek legal advice or guidance to ensure that you are not violating any laws.

Is it ok for a 14 year old freshman to like a 17 or 18 year old senior?

no by law if you are under 18 you can't be dating someone who is 2 years older or younger but is ok to have a crush

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The dating method you are referring to is called the Law of Superposition. It states that in an undisturbed sequence of rock layers, the youngest rocks are at the top and the oldest are at the bottom.

Is it illegal to date older than you by 6 years?

The legality of dating someone older than you by 6 years depends on the age of consent laws in your area. It's important to check the legal age of consent in your jurisdiction to ensure you are following the law. Additionally, be mindful of the potential power dynamics and maturity differences that can occur in relationships with significant age gaps.

If you are 15 is it against the law to date someone 3 years and 8 days older in Oregon?

It is not against the law as there are no laws about what age you have to be to date, there are laws about sexual activity depending on the state. That is way too young to risk even a hint of impropriety, it could ruin the older one's life. And there really isn't a reason for someone out of high school to be dating someone that young. In most places you have to be at least 16 to consent, if not 17 or 18.

Is it bad if you are a thirteen year old English girl and you love your Japanese friend who is twenty years old?

There is no law for dating. A person of any age can DATE someone older or younger that him/her without legal consequences. This "law" is a common misconception. There is no law that states an age limit for you to date someone older. However, each state has their own law on sexual consent. This law states that a relationship cannot turn sexually until both is of legal age (age of consent). If a person is an adult and have sex with someone under the age of consent, that person of age could go to jail. Most states have the age of consent set at 16. Sexual contact can be considered Statutory Rape or Sexual Misconduct depending upon the state's laws. I just dont think that people under 16 should go out with someone whos over 16. Stay with in your age group...but you can date someone who is older than you or younger than you. It's not illagel...but anything sexual is illagel.