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It depends on where you live.

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10mo ago

Laws regarding gay individuals vary widely by country and jurisdiction. In many places, there are laws protecting the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals, such as anti-discrimination laws and the legalization of same-sex marriage. However, there are still some places where homosexuality is criminalized and where LGBTQ+ individuals face significant legal challenges and discrimination.

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Q: What is the law about gay people?
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It depends on what law you're talking about.

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All law-abiding people should be allowed in Australia, gay or straight.

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It depends on state law. Some states, such as Nevada, actively encourage gay people to foster. Note that even where it is legal, sometimes gay people are still denied the opportunity to foster.

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That all people deserve equality under the law.

Can gay people become president?

There is no law against it and some openly gay people have served in Congress. No one can say what the future will bring.

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Gay people are equal, but in some countries, the law doesn't reflect that. The problem stems mainly from old misguided beliefs.

Do you accept gay people?

Yes. All peaceful, law-abiding people should be accepted.

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Gay people in Malta have limited protections and few rights, but it is not against the law to be gay or to live with a same-sex partner. There are also a few gay clubs there.

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People can know they are gay at the age of 12 and younger. It is not against the law anywhere to BE gay. Is is against the law to have sex with anyone under the Age of Consent, which is usually 16 or 17 years in most places.

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There is no law against it, and there have been gay people in cartoons, many of whom have had partners or who dated. See related links for a list of gay cartoon characters.

What rights do gay people have in the state of New Hampshire?

Under state law, gay people in New Hampshire have virtually all the same rights that a straight person has.

Are gay people legal?

Yes. There is no law in the United States that declares homosexuality a crime.