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2g ~ 4g any larger can block the urethra and cause serious issues.

I personally have a 00g and have no problems. I will be soon increasing to 7/16" and have seen pictures of 1/2". So at least 1/2" would be the largest but I would not be surprised if someone had larger.

Gauges over 00g are noted in either inch increments or in millimeters the (00) gauge scale doesn't apply. Just for readers information.

grahamprie added this comment on 6th August 2011...

I pierced myself a long time ago and wore a 'normal' ring in it for a while.

I wanted to experiment, so I've stretched my PA over the last ten years and I can now wear a 15mm thick ring in it, or several thinner ones at the same time.

The 15mm ring I have is made in two halves which join with a dowel-peg on one side and a hidden screw on the other. It's completely smooth once it's assembled and 45mm across.

As I don't wear it all the time, I made a tapered insertion tool which fits onto the dowel so I can slide it in easily.

When I first wore it, it completely closed off the ureter, so I had to remove it every time I needed to pee - now it's a loose fit and it can stay in place as long as I like.

It feels great in everyday situations, but my partner doesn't care for it during bedroom activity, so it always comes out to keep her happy.

I'm stretching the piercing again with a taper so I can move up to 16mm in the future and I'm planning to go larger in diameter as well so it's heavier.

If I go up to 60mm across, it will double the wieght.

As long as you take time and look after the piercing, you'll not have any problems.

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