No. Don't text him kind things, especially if he's mad at you. Call him instead. Tell him how you really feel
they always forgive and they are always there when i need them.
Boyfriend or Bestfriend.
That is a personal choice that your boyfriend is making. Surely if he can text Facebook, he can text you too but he is choosing not too. Talk to him and ask him why.
You dont have to text your boyfriend first.If you dont Im sure he will understand...;p.
The Whale Shark is the kindest shark
Ash's all pokemons are the kindest.
There are many things you can do with your boyfriend during school, such as text each other hello or other messages.
The Youngest and the kindest name is Rebacca.
(1) Get his cell phone number. (2) Text.
Sadly, no one knows who the kindest man in the world is. No record ever shows of a man being the kindest.
Thats not true. You dont have to text him first, i feel the boy should text you first!
text them if broken up text to say sorry