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9999999 bilion thousands kilos hope that helped

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Q: What is the ideal weight for a 5'8 14 year old in kgs?
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What is the ideal weight for 19-year-old who is 5'8?

The ideal weight for a 19yr old standing 5'8" is approx. 60 kgs.

What is the ideal weight for a 45 year old six foot man?

75 kgs

What is the ideal weight for a 66 year old man 5 ft 7 in?

200 kgs

What is the ideal weight for a 39 year old man who is 5'9?

Men: 67.6 - 72.6 kgs Women: 64.0 - 68.5 kgs However if your body fat percentage is below 10 % then you can weight more

What is the weight range for a 13 year old that is 5'5?

The ideal weight for you would be 56 kgs but remember muscle weighs more than fat and there is a weight range,56kg is the ideal weight but if your a little under or over that doesnt matter

What is the ideal weight for a male 30 years old 5ft 6in tall?

65 + kgs

What is the ideal weight for a 6' 32-year old man?

men: 73.0 - 78.5 kgs women: 68.5 - 73.9 kgs however you can weigh a bit more if your body fat is less than 10%

What is the most common weight for a ten year old?

35 kgs is d most common weight for a ten year old

Average weight for a 22 year old man?

86 kgs

What is the average 13 year old gurls weight in kgs?


I am a 13 year old male who is 5'7 how much should I weigh?

According to Halls-MD, the ideal weight for a male 13 years old, 5'7" is 138 lbs an ideal weight of a 13 y/o male should be within the interval of 58-64 kgs.

What is the ideal weight for a 16-year-old who is 5'3?

The ideal weight for a 16-year-old who is 5'3 should weigh about 115 pounds.