I had to go look at my Quest 1000x and could not find any hole in the sight, but my Quest is about 4 years old and Crosman may have added it to yours. Usually a sight with a small hole is called a peep sight. I have a notch sight on my rifle. The only other hole on top of the rifle is towards the back of the barrel and that is a Scope stop. Some scopes have a pin on the bottom pf the scope mount to place in the hole, this keeps the scope from moving when the rifle fires.
that depends on how large the red or super red giant was. if it was a super red giant that is 1000X larger than a red giant. it will become a black hole
in the scope its a slide on the top put the scope on the gun aligned with the hole in the gun and scope then pour bbs into the scope
Droplet Isle
The driving distance from Philadelphia PA to Jackson Hole WY is 2275 miles per Map Quest. The driving time per Map Quest is 33 hours and 40 minutes.
Members have to finish EVERY quest in the mole hole to get a dragon costume.
it would depend if the star was a red giant or a super red giant and if it is 1000X larger than a red giant then it would turn into a black hole. some people think that the star at the center of the galxy is a black hole (but don't woury the solar system is at the rim of the galixy)
The hole crowd gasped at the sight of the renowned batter, stricking out.
Yes, there will be. One of the main characters was Eric Van Slyke
Its down a hole to the right of the big gates at dwarfhold. I think....
I'm assuming by the hole, you mean the hole in the quest "Black Knight's Fortress". Well, right click the cabbage. Select "Use". Don't eat it. Now, click the hole. You'll enter a small cutscene. Enjoy the spoils of victory.
Because light relects and are brains do all the work the middle of your eyeball is actually a hole to let light in like illusions
As it gets close it will be torn apart, then when it falls past the event horizon the bits will disappear from our sight.