Contact the maker.
Impossible to answer without a detailed description and the serial number.
Yes it is illegal to own a gun that does not have a serial number. It is also illegal to remove the serial number off a gun.
Go to the Browning home page where they list serial numbers of all brownings. you can send browning the serial number of your gun and for a price they will send you the history of your particular gun.
my similar gun of which I'm seeking info has a serial number on the top edge of the chamber which can be seen after the breach is opened. My number is 101655. Anyone have history?
With just the serial number, nothing.
It would be almost impossible to identify a gun just by its serial number.
Some makers offer historical letters. No, there is no registry that you can access.
first you would have to know gun maker: colt, remington, springfield then model or type (rifle, carbine, pistol) then caliber and last, serial number. next, look up forums on internet for that gun maker and go from there............
Just by the serial number, no.
Impossible to answer. A serial number is not unique to only one gun in the world.
Impossible to date a gun with just the serial number and no other informaiton.