No history has been written AFAIK.
Is their any such firearms co. by the name of Howard Arms
HOWARD ARMS CO. Tradename used by Meriden Firearms Company (1905-1918) on revolvers. Meridan was a subsidiary of Sears Roebuck and produced firearms for sale through their catalogs and retail stores.
Marlin Firearms: A History of the Guns and the Company That Made Them by William S. Brophy
It was a trade name used by the Hopkins & Allen Firearms Company for shotguns they made.
They are no longer in business. The Noble Firearms Company operated from 1950 - 1970.
Louis A. Garavaglia has written: 'Firearms of the American West' -- subject(s): Firearms, History 'Firearms of the American West, 1803-1865' -- subject(s): Firearms, History
Howard Arms was a trade name used by Sears Roebuck on revolvers made by their subsidiary company, Meriden Firearms Co., from about 1905 to 1915. The only "model" designation would be the caliber, .38 or .32.
Hugh Pollard has written: 'Pollard's history of firearms' -- subject(s): Firearms, History
Firearms safety, ethics, responsibility, history