In 1966 the Federal government mandated that cigarette packs have a warning on them from the surgeon general. See Tobacco packaging warning messages. Congress voted in 1973 that products containing toxic substances must have labels. In 1985 there was a testimony that wanted record companies to put labels on music that contained sexual or violent lyrics. On March 29, 1990 warning labels were put on music products that contained potentially offensive lyrics; this was done with the agreement of the recording companies. In 1989, alcohol was required to have their surgeon generals warning.
Yes. All cigarette packages require warning labels since 1966.
Warning Labels was created on 1992-06-29.
I have only heard them referred to as warning labels and disclaimers.
The microwave has warning labels but it is not attached on the microwave itself. The labels come in the box.
1966-caution-Cigarette Smoking may be hazardous to your health 1970-warning-The SURGEON GENERAL has determined that cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health I found this on a google search.
The cast of Warning Labels - 2010 includes: Cassie Lyzm as Kay
yes they are
I have only heard them referred to as warning labels and disclaimers.
have warning labels