The hammer is the part that hits the firing pin when you pull the trigger.. this is just an educated guess...
There never was a hammer head Nerf gun, and it hasn't been released yet.
The value of a Symonds "Keeper Gun" 12 gauge hammer-gun is actually dependent on a number of things. Some of these things would be the age and condition of the gun.
No they don't. What actually happens is a hammer hits the staple from behind, the hammer is the same size as the staple to stop any distortion. The method by which the hammer is moved depends on the nature of the staple gun, if it is a manua gun then you squeezing the handle tensions a spring which then powers the hammer or in an electric or pneumatic gun the hammer is powered accordingly.
by pulling the hammer back.
Single action means the trigger only performs a single action; it drops the hammer to fire the gun. The hammer on a single action gun must be cocked before the gun can be fired.
It's just decoration, on real guns the hammer is used for the powder to explode but airsoft BB's don't have any powder so the hammer is for making the gun more realistic.
hammer is spring pushed and hits the firing pin to fire the cartridge.
You hold the hammer, pull the trigger and gently ease the hammer into the firing position. Be sure to point the gun away from any people at all times.
May be a hammer or a striker, depending on design of the gun.
Hammer, bolt
yes, it's most commonly found in a "blow-back" style paintball gun. The hammer is what the bolt is connected to which also houses a spring. The hammer moves forward which allows the bolt to move forward
the hammer of dawn is a gun that targets places for satellite laser strikes