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Q: What is the game called where you throw rings onto a stick?
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The game you are talking about is called Stick Wars. This game can be found at

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What is the sport of hurley?

The sport of you refer to is called Hurling, not hurley. It is a uniquely Irish game. Played with a stick and ball, it is a fast paced game, much like an airborne version of hockey (if you can imagine that). You can use the stick to hit the ball. Hands can be used to pass the ball, though not throw it. Its called a hand pass and is useful for short distance or if someone is hooking u ie uses there stick to stop you swing with your stick. See the related question below.

What was ancient Inca entertainment?

they played a game called Hoopla-hat. the first team bowed their heads and wore bobbled hats and their opponents attempted to throw little wooden rings onto the hats. It was a very popular game in ancient Inca society :)

Picnic Game in which you throw something that is taken off the feet of horses?

The game is called "Horseshoes."

What is that game called where you go through a stick mans life?

i dont know but addicting games has a catogory called stick figure

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It is called falling balls

Will the Lord of the Rings books be on the iPad application called iBooks?

Yes, the books are on iBooks and also you can get the Lord of the Rings Lego video game on the iPad.