Shivering is an involuntary muscular response from the body, triggered by cold. The "shivering" muscles are trying to internally generate heat, to help keep you warm.
sweating and shivering
Shivering to produce heat, goosebumps, blood capillaries narrowing.
Shivering occurs under various circumstances. The one which occurs during cold is basically meant to provide heat to your body by friction. The muscular activity causes respiration which also produces heat. Its body's mechanism of generating heat to maintain its temperature. The other cause can be a malarial infection in which it occurs usually during the evening time when the plasmodium bursts the infected RBCs in blood to invade other RBCs of blood. It might occur in state of fear or tension which occurs due to adrenaline or nor-adrenaline hormone as the case may be as the muscles are tensed up for fight or flight
Completely devoid of fuel, she collapsed in a shivering heap and was unable to mine any more diamonds.
Yes it is because by shivering, your body is trying to maintain its body temperature which is in turn its internal homeostasis.
Thermogenesis is the function of the metabolic system, including processes such as shivering and the production of heat by brown adipose tissue.
shivering with cold
No, "shivering" is not an adverb.The word "shivering" is a verb and sometimes a noun.The closest adverb form of the word "shivering" is shiveringly.
The duration of Shivering Spooks is 1200.0 seconds.
The arrector pilli does not cause shivering - it's responsible for "goosebumps".. shivering is caused by skeletal-muscles..
Shivering Sherlocks was created on 1948-01-08.
Shivering Spooks was created on 1926-08-08.
Shivering Shakespeare was created on 1930-01-25.
Yes, but it's unlikely. A shivering cat just means that.. well, the cat is cold! Older cats with arthritis are prone to shivering.
with fear
Shivering Isles is an expantion pack for Oblivion.
You can convey shivering in writing by using descriptive language to illustrate the physical sensation, such as "Her body trembled with cold" or "He couldn't stop his teeth from chattering." Adding details like goosebumps, a quivering voice, or clenched muscles can further emphasize the shivering.