Cal means calories. It is a measure of the amount of energy that a particular food has. So, if we eat that particular food, then we will obtain that amount of energy.
Caledon Hockley
A 360 degree angle is a full turn
what is the full meaning of GLO
it means "the one" in my cal language
plz tell me the full form of name - PARAMJEET (word meaning) meaning of p - ? meaning of A - ?meaning of R - ? meaning of A - ? meaning of M - ? meaning of J - ? meaning of E - ? meaning of E - ? meaning of T - ? And full meaning of paramjeet
Calories/cm² (Cal/cm²) is a unit we use to measure this incident energy. You may also hear this energy measured in Joules/CM² but Cal/cm² is ...
The full meaning is Universal Decleration of human Right
meaning have one's hand full?
what is full meaning of lastma
the full meaning of lasu is rope with a loop in it that catches cattle
The full meaning of R O I is the Republic of Ireland