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FPS is the measurement of speed in feet per second.

Depending on what kind of bullet you are talking about, bullets can travel as fast as 4400 fps. Here are a few examples: 9mm-about 1050 fps. .45ACP-about 900 fps. 5.56mm-about 2700-3300 fps. .50bmg-about 2900 fps.

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Q: What is the fps of a real gun?
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Can a ak 47 airsoft gun go threw a trashcan?

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Which gun is better the firepower srt-sd3 airsoft machine gun or thetsd sports sdm100b2 airsoft sniper rifle?

Look at the fps rating at both the guns. FPS stands for feet per second, which ever one has more fps has more fire power. But be warded, sniper rifles are mostly spring, which means you have to cock them. Machine gun airsoft guns (AEG's) are electric. If its rpm, go for an electric, but be warned...lots of websites lie about the guns real fps so lots of times the gun will go in real life 373 fps when the website says it goes 400. Make sure to do alot of research before making a purchase, and read lots of reviews.