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0fps since a cartirdge with those numbers doesn't appear in any published reference I can find.

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Q: What is the fps of a Winchester 435?
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Need info Winchester model 435 serial 000253 air rifle?

Made in 1974. .177 cal fires at 693 fps (Feet Per Second). 44 in long, 6.5lbs.

What should the FPS be for a Winchester 427 air rifle?

It's rated at 660 FPS

What is the feet per second on a Winchester model 422 pellet rifle?

It was rated at 480 FPS (More like 450 FPS in real life) in 1974

What is the value of a used Winchester model 435 made in Germany?

Winchester model 435 air rifles were very accurate guns. Many were made in Germany or Turkey by the Diana Company, and marketed under a variety of names, including Winchester. In good condition, the rifle goes for around 400 dollars.

What year was your Winchester model 435 with serial number 000098 made?

I was give a winchester 435 serial 71363325 is it worth any thing and what ammo does it use.I found that the Winchester model 435 air rifle was imported by Winchester from germany.They imported 8 different models from 1969-1973.A total of 19,259 were made during this time span.With a serial number of 98,it can be assumed that your .177 caliber pellet air rifle was made in the first year of importation which was 1969.

What is the muzzle velocity of a Winchester 94 .30-30?

The muzzle velocity of a Winchester .30-30 varies depending on the load and the bullet, but we can ball park things a bit. With a "standard" load and a 110 grain bullet, it's about 2,690 fps (feet per second). For a 130 grain bullet, about 2,500 fps. A 150 grain bullet cuts it to about 2,400 fps. With the 170 grain bullet, it drops to about 2,200 fps.

The fastest 22 magnum bullet made?

2250 fps - 22 Winchester Mag. 30 gr. Varmint HV

Anything about a Winchester air rifle model 416 that was made in Germany?

This rifle is rated for 363 feet per second (FPS). That is slow in today's world where air rifles exceed 1000 FPS. If this rifle was in EXCELLENT condition and I do mean Excellent it would be worth $50. From 1969-75 Meyer & Grammelspacher of Germany made air rifles for Winchester.

How many Winchester model 435 German air rifle's were made?

Sorry but this is the only information that I can locate. Between 1969 and 73 Winchester imported eight different models from Germany for a total of 19,259. No numbers for the 435 individually.

What is the velocity of the 308 caliber projectile?

With a typical load, .308 Winchester has a muzzle velocity of about 2,700 FPS. It can be somewhat higher or lower, of course, depending on loading. In 90% of ballistic applications, .308 Winchester is ballistically identical to 30.06.

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How far does a 435 FPS airsoft gun that ways 5 pounds go?

the weight of the gun is completely irrelevant. and distance doesnt matter. also it depends on what gram bbs you use. but .12g at 435 fps muzzle velocity should go accurately nowhere because theyre too light. use at least .20g but .25 is better. they should go around 150 feet accurately. but theres a lot of factors. weight of the gun definitely doesnt matter though.