Cain Velasquez is 6' 1".
cain velasquez
Cain Velasquez was born on 1982-07-28.
Cain Velasquez is 34 years old (born July 28, 1982).
Los Mandados
Cain won in both fights by TKO
Cain lost a decision
Yes by 1st round TKO
The fight between Cain Velasquez and Junior Dos Santos was held in the UFC event - UFC 155 that happened on 29th December 2012. The fight was the main event of the night and was for the UFC heavyweight championship Jr. Dos Santos was the champion heading into the fight and Cain Velasquez was the no.1 contender. The fight lasted a full 5 rounds in which Cain Velasquez was declared the winner by "Unanimous Decision"
Cain Velasquez is the current UFC heavyweight champion, he regained the title from Junior Dos Santos.
Brock Lesnar will have a fight on October 23 in UFC 121 and he will face the undefeated Cain Velasquez
I have bought a couple off of eBay.