The term for the onset of a woman's monthly menstrual flow is menses. The term for the first period in a girl is menarche.
It is called as menses or periods.
First Female Pharaoh was Hatshepsut. First Male Pharaoh was Menses also known as Narmer.
Female dogs of all breeds have menses (called the "heat cycle", or estrus) twice a year on average starting at around 7-10 months of age. A female dog will gain the most in health benefits if they are spayed before they have their first heat cycle.
Perhaps it's a misspelling of "menses", which is the menstrual flow, also called a period, or catamenia.
"Why blood is released during menses?"
Meno- is the medical terminology combining form meaning menses, as in menorrhagia (heavy menses) or dysmenorrhea (painful or difficult menses).Men/o, Mens/o,
the hormone FSH ( Follice Stimulating Hormone) triggers the menses (period) in a healthy female. During the menses, the uterine lining is being shed.
The terms menses and period generally refer to the same thing: menstruation.
Nothing. Menses material is the decomposing of the endometrium ... the inner lining of the uterus.
Menses are another name for the menstrual period in women. Menses can start in young girls as young as nine years of age with the color ranging from a light pink to a dark red.