Assuming you can use the values listed, and the phone number is 7 digits (e.g. XXX-XXXX), then you can select 3 numbers for the first digit (0 is exempt) then 4 selections for the rest of the digits. So, 3*4*4*4*4*4*4 = 12288 phone numbers.
Phone numbers should always be stored in a text format and never as in a number field. There are several of reasons for this. You never do calculations with phone numbers; you may have a zero at the start of a phone number, which would disappear if left in a number format and you may, as in this case, have other characters in a phone number that are not digits, which would not be accepted in a number format.
You may be unfamiliar with this esoteric invention called a "phone book" which gives the numbers for people and businesses in your area, but I suggest you look into it (and then look IN it).
a fax number is just the same as a phone number so the same number of numbers
The first three numbers of your phone number would be the area code, but Minnesota has several.
an area code.
I think you can't
If you look on the phone (or any phone) you see that letters are assigned to numbers, which is the way phone numbers were first assigned by prefix. The number 555-PETE is the same as 555-7383.
WikiAnswers does not give out phone numbers.
Phone numbers that start with the numbers 800 are toll free numbers. Toll free phone numbers are numbers that have no cost to the person calling the 800 number.
You can use the internet to search reverse phone numbers. Many of the sites, however, charge money to find the exact name associated with the number. You best bet is to call the number that called you and find out who it is who called.
You can't really get two phone numbers on the same phone. But, you can get an extension phone number plus your regular phone number. Ask your phone service about an extension number for your phone.
so-called 'celebrity' phone numbers are never available to the general public - to protect their privacy !
Do you mean 'what are call books called?'. It is 'are' because 'the books' are plural! Is the answer you are looking for phone books or directories. These contain contact (phone) numbers of residents in a specific place.
No not all of them because some people look for there phone numbers and they don't want to get called a lot