the fine of an underage 1st. is $172.00
There is no set fine or punishment for criminal violations. Underage consumption of alcohol is a misdemeanor. In most states, that means it is punishable by up to one year in jail and by up to $1,000 fine. The actual sentence and fine is up to the Court.
Depends on the country you live in. In the UK its a very strict NO. IF an off licence is found guilty of selling to underage customers they WILL lose their licence to trade and have a hefty fine
It's fine with me. If you're underage, your parents may have other opinions.
They will suspend your licence, that happened to my brother
Seeking the assistance of an attorney who specializes in DWI cases may be helpful
well usually your get a fine for about 200$ the first time and the second time it could be up to 1000$ and you either get a suspension of 90 days or 180 days depending on if it was already suspended. and my my do i suggest not drinking underage unless your in a indoor area. thanks
I'm not sure, I swallow both and i'm still fine...
Selling to or use of tobacco by minors (children under age 18) is governed in Georgia by Penal Code Section 308. The penalty to the minor is specifically governed by P.C. Sec. 308(b), which authorizes a fine of $75, or 30 hours of community service.
I'm 17 and just got my first underage drinking ticket. $263 is my ticket. Blew a .06 and now this ticket better go down for not even being drunk.
i think it is. Alots of people do it all over, (including myself), and its fine. Nightcore is manly making a remix kinda of a song. So I think its fine. Just do go selling or claiming it.