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Q: What is the effect of shirt shopping example kincaid provides?
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Are you shopping ourselves straight to the unemployent line?

I do see why or how my shopping should have any significant effect on whether or not you go straight to the unemployment line or not. I do see why or how my shopping should have any significant effect on whether or not you go straight to the unemployment line or not. I do see why or how my shopping should have any significant effect on whether or not you go straight to the unemployment line or not. I do see why or how my shopping should have any significant effect on whether or not you go straight to the unemployment line or not.

What effect does online shopping have on the community?

Shopping online, check on, worldwide free airmail shipping!

How does a new shopping mall affect a community?

it has a very positive effect on women in a community!! rely good people love shopping!!! ps.if you take your boyfriend with you, he can carry the shopping bags. ;)

what is Shopping Tourism?

Shopping Tourism is a fundamental catalyst for the evolution of the tourist model due to the following factors: The high Shopping capacity of the tourist. The de-seasonalizing effect of the demand. The differentiation of the destination.

How many regions deose a shopping mall effect?

Probably only the region it is in.

How does urbanization effect agriculture?

It converts farmland into houses, shopping centers, and roads.

How can E-commerce effect the future of shopping?

Almost everyone nowdays buy things from the Internet, so E-commerce will be the main channel of shopping.

What A chemical which provides the taste and effect of tobacco?


Has debt grown since home shopping became widely available?

No, debt hasn't grown as a result of home shopping. Home shopping, in general, has had a substitutive effect for out-of-home shopping, so the reason for debt growth must lie somewhere else.

What effect is red shift an example of?

The Doppler effect.

What is a positive effect of quarrying limestone?

Provides jobs for the people in the community

What is the green house effect the atmosphere provides?

Probably from global warming