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hey did you check out that girl over there she the hottest thing since boob tubes.

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Q: What is the dumbest thing to say to a girl you like?
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Because all females are unique and different everything you say to a female has to be original and from the heart you wouldn't want anyone giving you someone elses thought so say whats on your heart you never know the dumbest thing to you might be the sweetest thing to her

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I'd say: The people who post dumb questions about Zac Efron.

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Is it really necessary to say dumbest 3 times? And no they are actually relatively smart when compared to sheep or elephants.

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just ask the worst thing they can say is no

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Dumbest one? I would say i don't like many. Like spongebob,the wiggles, Barney , tele tubbies, adventure time,ham taro , and clifford

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If you told her you liked her no problemo the important thing is what did she say

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i did the same thing but 2 a guy.....i told him he was hot and then we started talking

How do you date a girl in school?

Go to a place big and nobody is in the school with the girl and start to say things about her and you can do your thing like kissing her

How can you ask out the girl you like?

the thing to do is gt her alone to where no one can bother you then just come right out and say it.

What to say to a girl when she say great thing about yu?

You should say things nice back and if you guys like each other inside bring it out and tell her.

If you like this girl and that girl knows you like someone but not who what should you do besides tell her when she tries to figure it out?

this has happened to me a couple times. the best thing for me was to do it over text so there wasnt as much embarrassment. If you don't want to say that then the only other thing is to just say I'm not telling.

How do you say do you still like that girl?

you say it like this:do you still like that girl? how do you not no how to say that? you just typed it.