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Q: What is the doctor title in pregnancy and childbirth?
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Which medical doctor specializes in pregnancy and childbirth?


What is an obstestrician?

An Obstetrician is a doctor who specializes in pregnancy. This includes management of pregnancy, labor, and care directly after childbirth.

What is a doctor helping giving birth called?

A doctor who helps with childbirth is called an obstetrician. They specialize in providing medical care to women during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum.

What has the author Elizabeth Fenwick written?

Elizabeth Fenwick has written: 'Childbirth' -- subject(s): Pregnancy, Childbirth, Popular works 'Childbirth' -- subject(s): Pregnancy, Childbirth, Popular works

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Eileen Brayshaw has written: 'Exercises for Pregnancy and Childbirth' 'Exercises in pregnancy and childbirth'

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what is the branch of pregnancy concerned with pregnancy and childbirth

What has the author Robert C Patterson written?

Robert C. Patterson has written: 'Doctor, I'm a woman!' -- subject(s): Diseases, Health and hygiene, Women 'A pregnancy primer' -- subject(s): Childbirth, Pregnancy

What does 'tocophobia' mean?

Tocophobia - fear of pregnancy/childbirth

How do you spell obsterican?

The correct spelling is "obstetrician." It refers to a medical doctor who specializes in pregnancy, childbirth, and women's reproductive health.

What has the author Dana Breen written?

Dana Breen has written: 'Talking with mothers' -- subject(s): Childbirth, Interviews, Mother and child, Mothers, Pregnancy, Pregnant women, Psychological aspects, Psychological aspects of Childbirth, Psychological aspects of Pregnancy 'Birth of a First Child' -- subject(s): Childbirth, Femininity, First-born children, Pregnancy, Psychological aspects, Psychological aspects of Childbirth, Psychological aspects of Pregnancy, Self-perception

What do women go through that men don't?

Pregnancy , childbirth ,

Which physician specialist cares for women during pregnancy and childbirth?
