Knowledge is what you know and skill is what you can do.
Teaching is to impart knowledge or skill and learning is to acquire knowledge or skill by study.
Knowledge is cerebral, to do with thought and reason. Skill is more to do with muscles and motor skills and using the body but some knowledge is required. Skills are usually repetitive.
communication skill and technical knowledge
Because it is human from whose skill and knowledge that changes something into a resource.
"expert skill or knowledge; expertness; to know how to do a skill" -from
You can develop the identified skill by regular practice.
Computer science is a body of knowledge about computers, usually related to writing programs. Computer skill is the ability to use knowledge about computers to perform specific tasks. These tasks may or may not be related to computer programming.
A Skill Scan is a statement that describes your skills, knowledge and qualities to date.
To learn.
The babylonians built hanging gardens to terraced gardens.
Consistent practice is one way in which you develop your skill in identified in skill knowledge attitude.