hot - it is hot and you sweat.
cold - it's cold and you can freeze.
Hot climates typically have high temperatures and low humidity, while cold climates have low temperatures and can vary in humidity. Hot climates are typically found near the equator, while cold climates are usually closer to the poles. The presence or absence of snow is a key distinguishing factor between hot and cold climates.
Europe has a diverse climate with regions experiencing both hot and cold climates. Mediterranean countries like Spain and Italy have hot summers, while countries in northern Europe such as Norway and Sweden have cold winters. The climate varies depending on the location within Europe.
A continental climate is characterized by hot summers and cold winters with a large temperature difference between the seasons.
Jordan has a predominantly arid desert climate, characterized by hot summers and mild winters. Rainfall is low and sporadic, mainly occurring between November and April. Temperatures can vary significantly between day and night.
Murree has a temperate climate with cool summers and cold winters due to its elevation, while Quetta has a semi-arid climate with hot summers and cold winters. Murree receives more rainfall compared to Quetta, which is located in a relatively drier region.
Antarctica, Europe, and Antarctica do not have hot deserts. Europe has a more temperate climate, and Antarctica is too cold to support a hot desert environment.
Hot & cold.
temperature is term used to know how much hot or cold it is......climate is like weather that is hot, cold ..
They like the cold climate as they originally migrated from Antarctic.
It has a continental climate with cold winters and hot summers.
I'd say a hot climate
It would be very hot between hot and cold so it would be warm and wet
Their climates skeptic be hot or cold like all seasons.they would build houses for each different climate
The climate in the Lakota which is in the Great Plains is that it was relatively cold and hot.
The Serbian climate varies between a continental climate in the north, with cold winters, and hot, humid summers with well distributed rainfall patterns, and a more Adriatic climate in the south with hot, dry summers and autumns and relatively cold winters with heavy inland snowfall
hot and cold
hot and cold
Whether a plant seed sprouts best in a hot climate or a cold climate depends on the plant species. For many, however, the hot climate is usually the better of the two.