The difference between an external examination and an autopsy is that an external evaluation is where they only evaluate the outside of the body and an autopsy is where they open up the chest and examine inside the body.
Hope this helped
A biopsy is a procedure where a small sample of tissue is taken from the body for examination under a microscope to diagnose a disease, whereas an autopsy is a thorough examination of a body after death to determine the cause of death and any underlying conditions. Biopsies are typically done when a person is alive, while autopsies are performed after death.
a standard autopsy is between $2000 and $6000 a virtual autopsy is about $1000
A post mortem is a general examination after death to determine the cause of death, while an autopsy is a more detailed medical examination of a body after death to investigate the cause and manner of death. Autopsies involve a more comprehensive examination of organs, tissues, and bones to gather more specific information, whereas post mortems can be more general and less intense in their scope.
Inside and outside
Necropsy and autopsy both refer to postmortem examinations, but necropsy is typically used for animals, while autopsy is used for humans. The processes are similar, involving a thorough examination of the body to determine the cause of death and identify any underlying conditions or injuries. Autopsies are performed by medical professionals, while necropsies are performed by veterinarians.
Internal is inside the organism External is the surroundings and stuff that happens outside the organism
what is different between internal dtd and external dtd and advantages and disadvantage plz tell me answer
They are just different names for the same thing. Examination of a body after death.
They mean the same thing; they are synonymous.
between $25 and $30 depending on time of dayf
What is the difference between external and internal communications
what is the difference between the external & internal indicator