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Payer is the person who pays money using a check whenever it's paid or due. Payee is the person who receives a check or a money order that is or will be paid or due.

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Q: What is the differences between payee and payer?
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Related questions

What is the difference between payor and payee?

The payer is the person that is paying a sum of money to the payee. The payer signs the check and the payee is the person who cashes the check.

Who is the payee bank?

The bank receiving the money is the payee. The payee gets whatever from the payer.

What is an antonym for the word payer?

The person who is paid by the payer is the "payee" or collector.

Which person signs the front side of the check the payee or payer?

The payer.

Can a person be their own payee?

Yeah while withdrawing cash using our own cheque. During this we are both the payee and the payer.

Does a payee makes the payment or receives the payment?

Receives. A payee is paid (an employee is employed). A payer pays (an employer employs).

What do you call a person who signs a check?

payer or payee, deponds on which person it signing it.

Who is the payer of a check?

The Payer of a check is the person who is paying money for the check. That is the person who has issued the check. For ex: I owe you $1000 and I give you a check for it from my bank account, I become the payer of the check and you will become the payee.

Check has endorsement of payee do we have to sign?

depends. If you are recieving the money or someone else is. Payee is the person to which the cheque is being recieved, they are the once getting paid, hence the payee. The person paying is the payer. Endorsement of payee requires only the signature of whom is getting paid

What is called when someone is receiving a check?

The person receiving the cheque, is the 'payee' - the person sending the cheque is the 'payer'.

If a DD taken in favor of an 'canteen'be used to transfer money to ownerof that canteen?

(UK and Australia)...... A DD is a banking Direct Debit. It is initiated by the payee after the payer has agreed to it, in this case the payee is 'canteen'. The money will be transferred to the payee account from the payer bank account . The owner of the busines called 'canteen' will be entitled to use that money according to its business rules. apault.

What is payer?

Payer is the person who pays cash or kind to another person called the payee. Payer may be an individual or a body in the form of bank or financial institution.The payment may be free of interest of with interest conditionality while repayment.