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damped vibrations:

in damped vibrations the amplitude of the signal decreases with respect to time

undamped vibrations

in undamped vibrations the amplitude of the signal remains constant with respect to time

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Q: What is the differences between damped and undamped oscillations?
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What is Posicast controller?

Posicast controller is a feed forward compensator which is used to reduce damped oscillations

What is ment by damped oscillation?

It means the oscillations lose energy over time, getting weaker and weaker.

Is it possible to have damped oscillations when a system is at resonance?

Resonanceis aforcethat remains in a opposite position.It is also observed in physical media such as strings and columns of air. Any waves traveling along the medium will reflect back when they reach the end. It is possible to have damped oscillations when a system is at resonance.

Is a pogo stick a critically damped system?

No, a pogo stick is not a critically damped system. It typically exhibits underdamped behavior when bouncing, with oscillations that gradually decay over time due to damping effects. The damping in a pogo stick is usually not enough to make it critically damped.

What is the difference between underdamped and overdamped oscillations?

Damped (or free) oscillation occurs when an object is set to vibrate at its natural frequency while forced oscillation involves the application of a force to keep an object in constant or repetitive motion.

What does decrement mean?

the act or process of decreasing; gradual reduction or Physics. the ratio of amplitudes of a damped harmonic motion in the course of two successive oscillations.

How damping progressively reduces the amplitude oscillations?

When energy is lost from the oscillating system, the amplitude of oscillationdecreases. When that happens progressively, we say that the oscillation is"damped". "Damping" is a description of the decrease, not its cause.

Will damped oscillations occur for any values of b and k?

The answer will depend on what b and k are! And since you have not bothered to provide that crucial bit of information, I cannot provide a more useful answer.

What happens to the frame of a seismograph when seismic waves arrive?

It moves with the same frequency and amplitude as the seismic waves, while the large mass suspended within it is damped from these oscillations due to it's own inertia. The relative movement between this stationary mass and the frame can then be recorded.

What happens to a seismograph frame when a seismic waves arrive?

It moves with the same frequency and amplitude as the seismic waves, while the large mass suspended within it is damped from these oscillations due to it's own inertia. The relative movement between this stationary mass and the frame can then be recorded.

Advantage of critical damping over under damping and over damping?

A system that is critically damped will return to zero more quickly than an overdamped or underdamped system. Underdamping will result in oscillations for an extended period of time, and while overdamped things will return to zero without much (or any, I think) oscillations they will get there more slowly.