Kush pyramids were much smaller and steeper than Egypts pyramids.
Actually, Kush conquered Egypt and ruled as Pharaohs for almost a century. In 656 BC, Psamtik I drove the Kush out of Egypt, to reunite northern and southern Egypt.
They invaded egypt in 1324B.C.
Kush covers about 2500 miles in Egypt.
Egypt wanted there Natural Resources
the answer is unknown.
They are fat
kush and Egypt are in the same area and all of the ancient groups live in egypt which there for their id not a big difference
bad because Egypt conquered Kush
Egypt and Kush united in to one kingdom.
the relationship between kush and Egypt change more than once over the centuries because Egypt and kush were neighbors and also sometimes enemies
the relationship between kush and Egypt change more than once over the centuries because Egypt and kush were neighbors and also sometimes enemies
Kush and Egypt were sometimes at war Egypt invaded Kush and the Kushites later revolted and gained their independence. The Kushites still kept some Egyptian traditions and Egypt and Kush were also trading partners
pyramids kush's are smaller and Egypt's is bigger No.... The Relationship was trade. And since Egypt was bigger than Kush, Egypt conquered Kush and gave it the name Kush (it was previously named Nubia). _________________________________________________________________ No... The relationship WAS trade but Kush was IN Nubia. They are different.
Kush gained control of Egypt in 850 B.C
like the Egyptians, the people considered their rulers to be gods. Kush's culture was similar to Egypt's, but there were also important differences
Yes, Kush was controlled by Egypt beginning in about 1520 BC. Egypt's control declined over the next 500 years, however.
Kush was a region once known as Nubia.egypt was a region of its own.(So there for they are both region)