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Wood and amount of engraving

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Q: What is the difference in the Grades II through VI Browning Superposed Firearms?
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How do you know if your Browning 7 mm made in belgium is an Olympian grade?

Contact Browning Firearms Customer Service through their website.

Looking for Browning Belgium 30-06 stock and other parts serial number 52472 L69?

Your best bet is to contact Browning Firearms through their customer service website. My standby for many parts, Numrich, does not list a stock for your rifle.

How do you date a browning a5 shotgun?

Contact Browning customer service through their website.

Where can you get a browning firearm factory refurbished?

Contact Browning Customer Service through their website. They ARE still in business.

What kind of finish is used on browning b 78?

You can contact Browning Customer Service through their website for a definitive answer.

What is the age of browning standard 16 seerial number fn 125736?

Contact Browning customer service through their website.

Can rifled slugs be fired through in-vector choke in a browning 20 gauge gold hunter?

You need to call Browning.

How old is a browning B25 with serial number 20360 S 73?

Check with Browning Customer Service through their website.

How do you get colt firearms authenticated?

Colt Customer Service through their website.

What is a browning numbered 602926?

Someone would have to go through all the serial numbers of all the weapons Browning has made to answer the question.

You wont to know were to get your browning guns redone?

The best place would likely be Browning. Contact them through their website, customer service.

Where can you find information about a Meriden Firearms model 15 22 pump?

Not much information is available on Meriden Firearms, but you might go to the library and locate Flayderman's Guide to Antique American Firearms. Then look through all the books on that shelf. The Meriden company was set up by Sears Roebuck to manufacture firearms for sale through their catalog and retail stores. It lasted from about 1905 to 1915.