nothing besides outdoor ones will look older and more dirty as indoor will look new. and outdoor is outside and indoor is inside.
There are many kinds of outdoor ceiling fans the prices vary from 143.00 to 340.00
There is a specific type of ceiling fan made for outdoor use. Outside ceiling fans are made with protective coatings and material to protect the motor casing to keep out moisture and other outdoor elements that could cause a regular, indoor fan to stop working.
form_title=Outdoor Ceiling Fans form_header= Stay cool with an outdoor ceiling fan! Do you have electricity already installed in the area?*= ()Yes () No () Not Sure What is the height of your outdoor room?* = _ How many outdoor ceiling fans do you want installed?* = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, More than 10} Will the fans be exposed to moisture and the elements?* = ()Yes () No () Not Sure
It is not recommended to install an outdoor ceiling fan inside as outdoor fans are designed to withstand elements like moisture and humidity that indoor fans do not need to contend with. Using an outdoor fan indoors may not be as safe or efficient as using a fan specifically designed for indoor use.
Outdoor ceiling fans circulate the air when it is stale or when there is no breeze. This makes the air cooler and therefore cools you down. They are usually found on patios.
Outdoor ceiling fans are available from a wide variety of sources. One of the best sources is your local home improvement store, such as Lowes or Home Depot. There are also a number of online sources for outdoor ceiling fans. is a leading seller of outdoor ceilings fans. You may also try sources such as and if you are looking for a bargain.
Capital Lighting offers a wide range of lighting for both indoor and outdoor use as well as home accents. They offer lamps, ceiling fans, landscape lighting as well as ceiling and wall lighting.
Outdoor ceiling fans are typically placed higher up than indoor fans to avoid getting wet from rain. This distance can make it harder to feel the airflow directly. Additionally, the air movement from an outdoor fan may be more dispersed due to outdoor elements like wind or open spaces.
Outdoor ceiling fans can be both safe and unsafe depending on how you look at them. They are dangerous is you have children who may stick their fingers in the wrong spots. But outdoor ceiling fan accidents have been down in recent years due to an increase in attention to safety.
The average outdoor ceiling fans are used to circulate air. This is used in order to help people breathe better while outside, and prevent bad air from massing in one spot.
You can find a good selection of outdoor ceiling fans at Home Depot. They have all different price ranges and styles to choose from. They also have other items for the outdoors as well.
Kichler Lighting is a company that sells a wide variety of indoor and outdoor lighting fixtures. They also sell ceiling fans, lamps, bulbs, mirrors, and other lighting accessories.