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The mess deck is where you eat and the galley is where you cook

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Q: What is the difference in mess deck and galley?
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Kitchen on a ship?

I like these,you have to guess the question first, and then endeavor to answer it. I think the answer is Galley

What is the galley of a ship?

The galley is the same as a mess hall or cafeteria.

What is a navy term for a break area?

A "mess deck" or "galley" is a common term used in the navy to refer to a break area where sailors can relax and eat.

What is below deck on a ship called?

Below deck

What is the rear of a galley called?

Poop Deck

What is a ship's dining room called?

mess room

Where is the galley on a boat?

the first deck below. It's the kitchen.

What is a sentence with the word mess as used in the military?

After completing their exercise, the soldiers headed to the mess tent for their midday meal.A mess hall in the Navy is called the galley, a shipboard term.

How do you use swabbing in a sentence?

I'll swab downthe galley when I'm done swabbing this deck, mate.

What is the room on a ship where meals are cooked?

The room on a ship where meals are cooked is called the galley. It is typically located below deck and is equipped with cooking appliances such as stoves, ovens, and refrigeration units. The galley is an essential part of a ship's operation, as it is where the crew prepares meals for everyone on board.

What is the name of the part of an aeroplane where passengers sit?

Its called "The Cabin" Where the pilots sits is the Flight Deck and where the food is prepared is the Galley

What is the kitchen of a spaceship called?

The kitchen of a spaceship is typically called the galley. It is where food is prepared and meals are served to the crew.