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Anabaena fix oxygen and look slightly different vs. the oscillatoria that doesn't. Both are types of cyanobacteria though.

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Q: What is the difference in Anabaena and oscillatoria?
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What is the difference between nostoc anabaena and oscillatoria?

difference in oscillatoria and nostoc

How are Nostoc Anabaena oscillatoria and Gloeocapsa similar?

Nostoc, Anabaena, and Oscillatoria are cyanobacteria that can perform nitrogen fixation. Gloeocapsa is a genus of cyanobacteria known for its ability to form colonies and survive in harsh environments. All four organisms are capable of photosynthesis and play important roles in ecological processes.

What is the scientific name for anabaena?

The scientific name for Anabaena is Anabaena spp., which stands for multiple species within the Anabaena genus.

What is difference between nostoc and anabaena?

Nostoc and Anabaena are both types of cyanobacteria. The main difference between the two is the way they reproduce: Nostoc forms thick-walled resting cells called akinetes, while Anabaena forms specialized cells called heterocysts that are involved in nitrogen fixation. Additionally, Nostoc is typically found in soil and freshwater habitats, while Anabaena is often found in symbiotic relationships with plants or other organisms.

Is the Anabaena a coccus?

Anabaena is a genus of filamentous cyanobacteria, not a coccus. The cells of Anabaena are typically cylindrical and arranged in long chains or filaments.

Where is oscillatoria more active?

Oscillatoria is an organism known for its movement. Oscillatoria generally become more active when in sunlight, as well as having perfect conditions in watering troughs, for example.

What domain is anabaena?

not sure if its true but i googled "anabaena domain" and one of the google links said it was Domain Prokarya

What is the Scientific name of Anabaena?

A. affinisA. angstumalis angstumalisA. angstumalis marchitaA. aphanizomendoidesA. azollaeA. bornetianaA. catenulaA. cedrorumA. circinalisA. confervoidesA. constrictaA. cyanobacteriumA. cycadeaeA. cylindric14 species of Anabaena, as Anabaena is a genus designation. So. this is about 1/3 of the Anabaena types, cyanobacterial types.

How does the size of lactobacillus compare with that oscillatoria and gloeocapsa?

Lactobacillus are smaller rod shaped bacteria compared to the cyanobacteria of oscillatoria and gloeocapsa.

Why does oscillatoria deserves it name?

Oscillatoria is a blue-green algae. It deserves its name, because it has slow, rhythmic oscillating motion.

Does oscillatoria contains chloroplast?

Yes, Oscillatoria contains chloroplasts. Chloroplasts are responsible for photosynthesis, the process by which plants and algae convert sunlight into energy. In Oscillatoria, chloroplasts use this energy to produce glucose for the organism's survival.

Domain of anabaena?
