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Both do have same meaning, in some countries. Window ledge or window sill is a flat horizontal surface of the window at the bottom side. However, a window ledge is more associated with the outside, while the window sill is more associated with the inside.

Example: As Mrs. M. placed her potted violets on the sunny window sill, she noticed a man climbing out on the window ledge directly across the alley from her. Startled, she knocked one of the pots through the window, over the sill and out to the ledge, where it quickly rolled off the edge. The splat 10-stories below could barely be heard as she screamed to the man, "Stop! The ledge is not the answer to your problems!" But it turned out that the man's cat, who'd been asleep on the window sill, had gone out the unscreened window onto the ledge to chase a pigeon and the man was only trying to grab the cat before she fell. His cat, luckily, was saved; Mrs. M's potted violet, though, met a smashing demise.

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